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Foundation for Christian Values Education: For a successful start in life

We support Christian start-ups who contribute to Christian youth education to get started and reach excellence.

We promote Christian educational work. Because we are convinced:
Christian values and support groups give children and young people a strong basis for a strong and happy personality and a good life.

We help pioneers to be successful

Whoever starts something new, needs to learn many new things. One can't manage that by oneself - good ideas need support.
We love to provide holistic help: expertise, coaching, networking and financial support.
Wholeheartedly and with passion, we help pioneers in the following areas of christian value creation:

  • (formation of) Kindergarten/preschool
  • (formation of) Schools and Education
  • Youth work
  • Training and education of christian staff

The WERTESTARTER foundation wants children and young people to grow up with Christian values and become strong personalities. We support founders in Christian children's and youth education in order to realize their ideas. We do this through advice, networking and financial support.
Since 2014, 21 schools, 25 daycare centers and around 300 other educational projects have successfully started.

Short GERMAN film about the foundation (3 min): https://youtu.be/VpXW8wmf9v8

What we do for Youth Education Pioneers

We help pioneers to get and keep a sound overview of projects in Christian Youth education/leisure time activites in Germany, to connect with like-minded people and to achieve their goals for the kids, teens and young adults. All around Germany, Austria and Switzerland there are many associations and federations, institutions and initiatives, municipalities and communities that are active in similar ways as providers of educational work.

  • We help a wide variety of ministries based on Christian values to get started and to initiate new educational and social projects
  • We help them connect: with experts and like-minded people in their pioneer field
  • We add the missing expertise in whatever area that might be
  • We support their work: establishing sound businessplans, marketing, fundraising, leader-skills and more
  • We encourage with and pray for the helpers
  • We serve to reach excellence!
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Help great ideas getting off the ground

We sponsor ideas that aim for more than just imparting knowledge. The educational projects we support enable children and young people to gain the priceless experience of being valued as individuals and contribute to their community.

We encourage people in private initiatives, communities, congregations and churches in their commitment to children and young people. We make our know-how available and provide additional start-up support: coaching, providing support-networks and contact to relevant experts, as well as giving financial support. We provide resources!

Being stronger together

Together with a network of strong partners, we focus on and enable quality. We believe in educational services that meet the needs of children, parents and our society as a whole and which strive for great impact. That is why we provide professional mentoring and support of experts. We strive for an overview of good education and foster programs all over Germany, Austria and Switzerland, that are based on christian values and connect those stakeholders with others. Our professional network reflects the high political and social relevance of our matter.

Values matter to us

Christian values are the timelessly modern answer to current challenges, the basis for a sustainable society. Values help us live with direction and purpose – like a guiding compass - and make willful and good choices.


Every human being has an inalienable dignity. The healthy and the strong as well as the needy and the weak, even the unborn and the dying. Every human being is made in God´s image and has his or her own inalienable and inviolable dignity.
As WERTESTARTER, we respect the dignity of every human being and speak up for them. We help to provide people with opportunities that they wouldn’t be given otherwise. We do this by offering support, education and training and by walking alongside of them.

Compassion and Respect

Living together in harmony can only succeed if we show consideration for each other. Because every human being has an inalienable dignity, everyone deserves respect. As Christians, we want to treat our fellow human beings with compassion. Compassion and respect lead to appreciating and honoring others and strengthen our communities.
As WERTESTARTER, we help young people to experience, “I am accepted as I am. I am respected for who I am.” This will strengthen them in their personal development and makes them able to succeed in life.

Family and Community

We need each other and we learn from each other. Every person comes from a family of origin. Within our families we experience how to succeed in life and what our limitations are. We cannot live without community. A healthy community strengthens the individual and at the same time lets us experience that life is better together.
As WERTESTARTER, we strengthen families and communities, groups and associations. We want our society to promote the family as a unit and the value of community overall and allow them to flourish.

Justice and Loyalty

Many people suffer from injustice. We may experience injustice, disappointment and rejection ourselves. We are unwilling to accept that. It is our responsibility as a society to allow young people in particular to experience what justice and trustworthiness look like.
As WERTESTARTER, we stand up for justice and trustworthiness. We pursue those who need help and we help young people discover that God is on their side. Those who experience this kind of unconditional trustworthiness can take a stand for justice themselves. It is our passion that justice be done to children and young people.


For many, the word “forgiveness” may have an old-fashion or narrow moral or religious ring to it. In reality, forgiveness is about more than just interpersonal relationships. Forgiveness also relates to the transcendental and divine spheres of our lives.
True forgiveness only happens if all sides acknowledge a universal higher power, are willing to restore justice and are able to let go of accusing and blaming each other.
We as WERTESTARTER advocate for the kind of forgiveness that allows us to live together in harmony and freedom.


True humility only exists when we surrender to the sovereignty of God. Humility is not defined by the way one human relates to another human, but by the way we relate to God. True humility finds acceptance and approval in a relationship with God and doesn’t need to seek approval from people. It takes courage to intentionally forgo to seek the approval of others. Perhaps the biggest barrier to living with true humility is the lack of the courage to be completely truthful.
We as WERTESTARTER acknowledge God as the sovereign entity against which we measure all things. We strive to serve the truth by completely relying on the power of God.


Somebody who is practicing tolerance typically has strong convictions of his or her own while showing deep consideration and respect for the dignity, the religious freedom and freedom of speech of someone who may think, believe or choose to live differently. A strong democracy is built on an understanding of tolerance not as overall indifference, but relies on allowing controversary while embodying respect for the other.
We as WERTESTARTER follow Jesus Christ, who never forces himself on anyone, but at the same time never compromises his claims or his integrity.

Hope and Responsibility

Those who have hope, can see beyond the horizon of their own limitations. Those who have a sustaining hope can take on responsibility. And whoever can see a positive future for others is happy to get involved. Children and young people need both: hope for their own lives and the realization that they themselves benefit when they take on responsibility.
As WERTESTARTER, we believe: There are no hopeless cases in God’s eyes. We put our hope in Jesus Christ and take responsibility for this world – especially when it comes to education in our society.

Education and Freedom

Good education increases the chances for a successful life. Education frees people from dependencies and constraints. It unlocks freedom of thought and choice. Christian education produces mature people who assume responsibility for their own life and advocate for others.
As WERTESTARTER, we stand for a concept of education that enables young people to live in freedom and that encourages them to assume responsibility. They then are able to live autonomously and responsibly before God and are able to care for other around them.

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Trust in each other enriches our lives. Human beings cannot live without trust. The primal foundation of trust is laid in childhood and shapes us for the rest of our lives.
As WERTESTARTER, we trust in the promises of God. He has given us life and entrusts this world to us. We encourage others to put their faith and trust in God and to discover the gift of life.

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Our approach to education

Form relationships

We view education as a comprehensive, relational process. It effects the whole human being and describes a lifelong development process: the human being matures into a personality in spiritual, physical, social, cultural and religious terms. We are always in relationship with ourselves, with other people, with the world and with God. In every relationship, we are educated and continue to educate ourselves, supported by educational efforts around us. In this way, we gradually and repeatedly develop new levels of verbal self-expression, discernment and wisdom, as well as opinions, new behaviors and coping mechanisms.

Living with dignity

As WERTESTARTER, we are committed to a Christian world view and conception of man: We believe that all human beings are created in the image of God. Every human being has inalienable and inviolable dignity – irrespective of his or her ability, health and social position. We want to contribute to each individual developing his or her unique potential and assuming social responsibility for others. We do this as a Christian organization in a pluralistic society.

Take a stance

All people have a right to education. We respect the dignity of each and every individual and want to contribute to everyone being able to freely choose their paths and follow their passions. Education enables individuals to participate in the life of their community. Learning, knowledge and competency form an inseparable connection. In the context of a fundamental trust in God, we encourage people to explore the world and discover life in all its dimensions. We walk alongside of them as they develop a solid value system that informs their views and actions

Dare something new

All people live in relationship with themselves, with others and with the world. As Christians, we believe that we are also in a relationship with God. The foundation of our faith and of our lives is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are aware that in all of our relationships we fall short over and over again, make mistakes and hurt others. That is why we proclaim that we all live by grace and by being accepted despite our mistakes. Because God offers us a new start, a new beginning is always possible for everyone.

Be authentic

We want to build bridges to fellow human beings. Humanity, solidarity and the willingness to forgive others are prerequisites for successful relationships. They form the foundation and the framework of a self-determined life in freedom and responsibility. This also applies to the challenges of our living together in an increasingly digitalized world: even as the forms of communication are changing, it is important to live relationships authentically, to treat each other with respect and to communicate transparently.

Discover strength

Every person has their own unique story related to their origin and their economic and social status. Everyone has their own unique talents. Regardless of their background, each and every individual has the right to an education and to vocational training that matches their talents. The starting points are different, but the opportunities should be the same. That is why we walk alongside of individuals on their respective paths and open up opportunities for them to develop their potential. We support the joint learning and living of people from different backgrounds, with various talents, different personalities and points of view. We thereby promote a diverse community.

Possibilities to support

Support our work. The more, the merrier! Or: no resources, no mission....
If you share our passion, you are welcome to support our christian start-ups.
Donate your TIME / EXPERTISE by volunteering or help us grow our NETWORK or give FUNDS:

Account holder: Stiftung für Christliche Wertebildung
: DE59 5012 0383 0012 2576 71

PayPal: www.paypal.com

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